Saturday, 29 August 2015

Stress Management for Startup Founders: 2 Important Tools for Coping - Huffington Post

Lighting a candle and concentrating your mind on the candle flame is one way of helping you feel relaxed. This practice is called the candle flame meditation. This simple meditation technique allows you to rest your mind by simply concentrating on the candle flame and noticing your thoughts pass by or burned away in the flame.

Stress Management for Startup Founders: 2 Important Tools for CopingHuffington PostUnfortunately, with all this focus on productivity, there just isn't enough attention paid to stress management within the startup community. And this lack of attention has led to some devastating consequences. Among entrepr...Stress Management for Startup Founders: 2 Important Tools for Coping - Huffington Post

Mindfulness meditation brings you freedom from health problems by helping you find a sense of peace and acceptance within yourself. Being mindful is about observing exactly what's going on within and around you in the present moment. It's a great skill that you can enhance to help you become more conscious of what you already have in the present moment.

Do you like to practice meditation in an active way? Find out more about mediattion and mindfulness, and start experiencing a daily treat that you can take joy in. You can also visit the sites listed below.

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