Sunday, 19 July 2015

Mahouts get lessons in stress management | Kozhikode NYOOOZ - NYOOOZ

Mirror meditation is a simple meditation technique that involves looking into your very own reflection to help you focus and relax. This gives you the chance to show kindness to yourself, by simply focusing on your reflection and sharing with yourself some words of inspiration.

Mahouts get lessons in stress management | Kozhikode NYOOOZNYOOOZTHRISSUR: A multi-dimensional training programme for mahouts was jointly arranged here by the extension department of the College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, Kerala state elephant owners` federation and th...Mahouts get lessons in stress management | Kozhikode NYOOOZ - NYOOOZ

Mindfulness meditation brings you freedom from discomfort by helping you find a sense of peace and acceptance within yourself. Being mindful has to do with discovering exactly what's going on within and around you in the present moment. It's a fantastic skill that you can establish to help you become more appreciative of what you already have in the present moment.

Active meditation allows you to savour the full experience of moving your body and training your mind to stay focused at the same time. If you’re eager to learn more about other relaxation techniques, feel free to check the sites below.

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