Thursday 27 August 2015

Stress Management for Startup Founders: 2 Important Tools for Coping - Huffington Post

Are you searching for an excellent technique to help you relax and enhance your concentration skills? Meditation can be a great way to help enhance your memory, focus and your ability to relax. There are a lot of simple meditation techniques that are proven effective in getting rid of stress and anxiety.

Stress Management for Startup Founders: 2 Important Tools for CopingHuffington PostUnfortunately, with all this focus on productivity, there just isn't enough attention paid to stress management within the startup community. And this lack of attention has led to some devastating consequences. Among en...Stress Management for Startup Founders: 2 Important Tools for Coping - Huffington Post

Researches have proven the effectiveness of mindfulness meditation. Many experts agree that practicing mindfulness meditation daily helps people get over various types of illnesses. In fact, mindfulness based interventions are accepted in the medical practice as a complementary form of therapy in treating chronic illnesses, such as depression, cancer and cardiovascular disease.

Looking for ways to help you with your journey through the process of learning meditation? check out the sites below.

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