Thursday, 10 December 2015

Cognitive-behavioral Stress Management Improves Treatment and Survival in ... - Oncology Nurse Advisor

Are you searching for simple techniques to help you start practicing meditation? Here you'll find a post that provides some useful information about relaxation techniques to help beginners with their journey through meditation.

Cognitive-behavioral Stress Management Improves Treatment and Survival in ...Oncology Nurse AdvisorWomen who were taught how to manage stress early in their breast cancer treatment showed greater length of survival and longer time until disease recurrenc...Cognitive-behavioral Stress Management Improves Treatment and Survival in ... - Oncology Nurse Advisor

Wondering where to start learning how to meditate? The best way to learn how to meditate is to find an experienced meditation teacher to guide you.

Do you prefer to practice meditation in an active way? Find out more about mediattion and mindfulness, and start experiencing a daily treat that you can appreciate. You can also visit the sites listed below.

Monday, 7 December 2015

Stress management & working women - BusinessDay

The best way to learn mindfulness and meditation is with a good teacher and structured training. With the help of an experienced guide to offer you support and work through your questions, learning the process can be easier.

Stress management & working womenBusinessDayWomen all over the world are working hard to meet up with responsibilities and caring for people around them. It is very impressive when i encounter women who go out of their way to earn a living no matter the difficulties and challenges they encounter.and more »...Stress management & working women - BusinessDay

One way of getting inspired to practice meditation regularly is to discover ways of making each of your meditation sessions enjoyable. We help create happy and confident meditators by taking the struggle out of your practice. Learn ways to start enjoying your day-to-day practice by looking into our meditation courses here.

Practicing meditation regularly helps you learn how to respond usefully to difficult situations. Start learning how to practice meditation here. Feel free to visit the sites below if you want to divulge more about relaxation techniques.

Friday, 4 December 2015

Workshop Focused on Stress Management - ATU News

Mirror meditation is a simple meditation technique that involves checking out your own reflection to help you focus and relax. This gives you the chance to demonstrate kindness to yourself, by simply concentrating on your reflection and telling yourself some words of motivation.

The Daily CougarWorkshop Focused on Stress ManagementATU NewsWith finals approaching, the Arkansas Tech University Office of Student Success will offer a free workshop entitled “Stress Management” on Tuesday. The workshop will last about one hour and is scheduled to begin at noon in Room 105 of the Doc Bryan ...CAPS workshop helps students manage stressThe Daily Couga...Workshop Focused on Stress Management - ATU News

Different individuals may be drawn to meditation for various reasons. Learning meditation and getting into the habit of practicing on a regular basis can be life changing. A lot of people who meditate regularly claim of experiencing mental, physical and psychological benefits. If you're interested to learn meditation and experience its benefits more quickly, it's best to learn from a good meditation teacher.

Meditation and visualization are skills that need to be learned and practiced. Start learning these important skills today. Like any other valuable skill, it takes time and regular practice for you to develop your meditation skills. Make it a habit!

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Need help with holiday stress? - Leader and Times

Mindfulness helps enhance a person's ability to respond positively even to tough circumstances, instead of reacting in a negative way. Being mindful has to do with taking the time to focus and think of your actions first. This enables you to think more clearly, and to learn ways to interact in more constructive ways.

Need help with holiday stress?Leader and TimesTo help manage holiday stress, there will be a stress management class at 6:30 p.m. Thursday and again at noon on Dec. 16. Both classes will take place at Liberal Memorial Library. The presentation itself, which will be given by Dr. Leslie Bissell from ......Need help with holiday stress? - Leader and Times

If you're trying to find simple ways to practice meditation, it's useful to have a guide to help you get started. Many beginners prefer to start with Guided meditation. This type of meditation can be experienced by listening to a voice that is either coming from a meditation teacher in front of you, or from a recording. Learn more about guided meditation and other great methods on this site.

Be kind to yourself. Let go of all the negativeness and give yourself unconditional love and support. Trying to find a way to help you feel better? Smile! Smiling helps trick your brain into thinking that you're happy, and it can help in reducing stress. Feel free to also visit the sites below.